Sunday, November 1, 2009

to do list.

while in KL. i should have a to do list right? yeah. i thought i should. just to see if i can accomplish anything.

let' see.
  1. Go get some flats/mary janes.
  2. help gpa run some errands.
  3. get a new jacket.
  4. go get some new jeans.
  5. join the VBS team.
  6. join youth camp.
  7. spend more time with cousins.
  8. go get new tops.
  9. get earphones for my phone.
  10. go get a simple bag.
  11. read some books. borrow ce's.
  12. continue doing devotion and perpose driven life.
  13. get gifts for yiing, mich, mal, gina, lia, jan, dina, and nick.
yeah. i think number five is done. so one down. twelve more to go!

you're probably thinking why i did only thirteen things to do. well its cause my lucky number is thirteen. aeroplanes dont have aisle thirteen you know. its 12a and 12b then 14. betcha dint know taht?! hahah. i love the number thirteen. i dont care what other people think. hehe.

anyhow, gtg do some stuff now.

running and jumping for you,

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