Just like that an entire year passed without me actually writing anything. I can't even begin to describe how much I yearned to write up a blog post to rant and complain and express my thoughts but I couldn't even spare the time to.
As I breezed past my previous posts, I couldn't help but smirk and laugh a little at my younger self. I'm shocked at how easily I blurted out my inner thoughts and how blatantly obvious my anger was directed at. Most of all, I miss how honest I was and straightforward I was.
As time passes, people grow to adapt and conform to the norm of society. For those who don't change with time, they are labelled outcasts and misfits. Soon enough, they learn to be recluse, to shy away from all the attention just to avoid judgement. That's the society we live in, people either yearn to stay in the limelight or run and hide from it. Which are you?
With the power of social media today, stories travel at the speed of light. We see more and more problems come to surface. Most of the time, you hear people say. How is it possible that this has been happening for such a long time and yet we only hear about it now? The truth is. People today are no longer afraid to speak out and people today realize the power of social media. With a click of a button, we are able to either bring down the worst of criminals and crimes but that same button can destroy an innocent life. With power comes great responsibility. As much as the quote from Spiderman might make you laugh at me, it speaks volumes. We often disregard how hurtful or deeply untactful a single comment could make someone feel. We say we don't mean it in such a bad way but how would they know? Yet again, the question resurfaces, with that click of a button, are you struggling to stay in the limelight or hiding from it?
They say college is the best time of your life. The same goes for high school and university. They say that it'll change you and your perspectives. They say it'll help you grow to become a different person. I agree to all these statements. For me, college was another world. Literally. When I first stepped into college, it felt like high school all over again. You the small fry against a whole bunch of sharks just waiting for you to mess up. But soon enough, you fall into place with people you learn to love and care for. For some, they learn that you can only trust those who are there for you through thick and thin. You may not love them but you trust them. You learn that in the end, the only person who will stand for you is you. And here comes the bus, are you fighting to fit into the limelight or are you running from it?
I've learned the hard way that sometimes the limelight will blind you. The limelight can burn your skin too. The limelight will scar you regardless of whether you are in it or you are running from it. All in all, you have to fight back and stand your ground. Misfit or not. This kinda reminds me of King Of Opera, you know that game on the ipad? haha. Where you're an opera singer running and bumping each other off the stage to get the limelight and its hard cause you're spinning all the time and you fall off and yet you come back up to fight for the limelight. Life is kinda like that. Life is a constant motion whether you like it or not, and you have to understand how you move to get to where you wanna go. And whether you like it or not, the limelight helps you grow.
Lots of love,